Islamic terrorism is defined as any terrorist act or campaign which is committed by individuals or terrorist organizations who openly proclaim Islamic motivations behind their acts. Although the highest numbers of incidents occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Nigeria, Islamic terrorism has been on the rise all over the world, including the West.
The teen reportedly became radicalized online and planned to travel to Africa to join ISIS.
The Houthis did not officially announce a delegation was attending the funeral, but the Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV reported a delegation from Yemen would participate.
A source in the Tajik security services told Reuters the convicted people were all tied to Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K), the Afghan offshoot of Islamic State.
At least 36 people including a toddler were hurt on Thursday when the 24-year-old man plowed into demonstrators gathered in the city center.
The teen is also suspected of murdering a man in Hallstahammar
The perpetrator of the attack, Zaheer Mahmood, 29, hadn't realized that the satirical weekly magazine had moved offices and wounded two employees of another agency.
The Taliban claimed the ICC should “not attempt to impose a particular interpretation of human rights on the entire world and ignore the religious and national values of people..."
The jihadist enemy uses the organs of American democracy to subvert it from within, and what the US needs to do to protect itself.
The foiled attack will stoke fears that Islamic State is hoping to stage a comeback in Syria following the fall last month of President Bashar al-Assad.
Charlie Hebdo published a special edition to mark the anniversary, depicting a man sitting on the butt of gun in front of the word "Indestructible!" on its cover.