'Iranian opposition asks to rally in support of Egypt'
Report: Moussavi and Karroubi, leaders of protests against Ahmadinejad, petition Iranian gov't to allow demonstrations against Mubarak.
By jpost.1eye.us STAFFMoussavi(photo credit: AP)
The Iranian opposition requested permission to hold a demonstration in support of the protesters in Egypt next week, Aharq al-Awsat reported on Monday.Opposition leaders Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Moussavi reportedly applied for permits to set up a rally on February 14.RELATED:Egypt's foreign minister to Iran: Mind your own businessKhamenei: Uprising in Egypt sign of 'Islamic awareness'According to the London-based daily, the two published a letter sent to the Iranian Interior Ministry on their websites, in which they ask permission to "declare our solidarity" with demonstrators in the region "seeking freedom against the governments of tyranny."The ministry did not respond.Moussavi's Green Movement called for Iranians to take to the streets after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected for a second term in 2009. The protests lasted for months, and the movement claims it was an inspiration for the recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt.In Iran, both the government and the opposition have supported the demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt.