
The term aguna, literally translating to "chained woman," refers to a woman who is denied a get (religious divorce) by her husband, as per Jewish law.

In Judaism, to get divorced, a woman bust be granted a get by her husband of his own free will. This has become an increasingly problematic issue due to it seemingly giving men all the power and leverage in the divorce proceedings.

Many methods have been proposed to try and make men give their wives get to prevent this from becoming an issue, but this has seen mixed results due to anything perceived as coercion invalidating the get.

Without a get, a woman becomes an aguna, since she is essentially "chained," unable to remarry.

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Chief Rabbi David Lau establishes special rabbinical court to support agunot affected by war

An agunah is a woman unable to be divorced by her husband. During the Israel-Hamas war such cases have become noticeable enough to warrant rabbinical intervention.

Yad La'isha: Jerusalem center fighting trapped marriages

Also known as “The Aguna Warrior,” Yad La'isha director Pnina Omer and her Jerualem-based organization fight to free women in trapped marriages.


In Israel, a crumb of bread is valued more than a woman's life - opinion

They simply do not view the people they judge as equal before the law, in fact, the opposite: they actively discriminate against women and frequently the non-religious.

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