The observations revealed features never before seen in real time around a supermassive black hole. Among them was the launch of a plasma jet moving at nearly one-third the speed of light.
Insbesondere Mondfinsternisse galten als dunkle Omen, etwa für den Tod des Königs.
If WOH G64 was placed at the center of our Solar System, it would extend to the orbit of Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun.
“We also needed to test that our assumption works on much larger scales," said cosmologist Pauline Zarrouk.
Researchers told Live Science that everything uncovered shattered expectations set for the mission.
Lunar eclipses in particular were seen as dark omens, such as the death of the king.
In partnership with the European Space Agency, LEGO has created unique bricks from real meteorite dust, now on display in select stores until September 20.
Using the ESA's measurement, asteroid (415029) 2011 UL21 is around the size of 770 adult male lions from head to tail.
Ramon's mission on Columbia claimed the lives of all seven crew members, but many of his personal items survived, including diary entries as new additions to Israel's National Library.
“It’s a useful planet because it may be like an early Earth,” says Soares-Furtado.