The People’s Talmud entries are not cumbersome translations of the Talmud but narratives that express the Talmud’s point in the language of today.
It is rage-inducing to know that my money gets spent on stipends for boys in black hats to study for lifetimes issues like how certain physical attributes can be used as grounds for divorce.
The building, dubbed 'Building 100', had once belong to an elite member of Jerusalem's society, until it was destroyed by fire in 586 BCE.
Never again will we be corpses in a valley of dry bones but a living, thriving people.
The researchers examined the data on baby names from the past two decades to uncover the travel destinations that inspired parents to choose these names.
The Beit Shammai-Beit Hillel confrontation must serve as a warning of what can go wrong when one group bulldozes legislation against the will of a major constituency.