Should the Knesset and the government reject the court’s rulings, the political and social crisis will turn into a constitutional crisis.
LEGAL AFFAIRS: The creation of a constitution is plagued with its own share of disagreements and challenges.
The problems with the incapacitating law are nothing personal.
The wishful thinking of some analysts notwithstanding, this is not Israel’s “constitutional moment.” We are far from the broad national consensus needed.
The Turkish president’s desire to replace the post-coup constitution fuels concerns about autocracy and civil liberties
The decision was not about discrimination or about religion and attempts to characterize it as such are disingenuous.
Having lived in Israel on and off for a number of years, I’ve come to love the country like family. Things I appreciate. Things I don’t. And boy, does this moment feel like a test!
With a few decisions, Netanyahu can go from the prime minister who brought down Israel’s democracy to the one who saved it.
LEGAL AFFAIRS: Sunday is still many hours and minutes away, and Elbashan said that reaching a compromise is still a possibility.
The reasonableness standard bill would limit the application of judicial review of government administrative decisions.