
What happened on day one of Netanyahu's testimony?

PM refutes claims he received illegal gifts • MKs decry "unjust proceedings" • Netanyahu criticizes Obama's policy on Iran

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses nation at press conference, December 9, 2024.

Defendant No.1: Netanyahu must show leadership by confronting allegations

Netanyahu’s trial risks diverting attention from these pressing matters, as evidenced by recent courtroom tensions and legal wrangling that have dominated headlines.

Are Drake’s streaming battles rewriting the rules of the music industry?

The discovery process will reveal whether Drake’s claims hold enough water to tip the scales.


Netanyahu becomes first PM to testify in own criminal trial

Lawyer Hadad: Prosecution case has collapsed, but we’re proud to present PM testimony

Attorney-General Gali Baharav Miara attends a Constitution, Law and Justice Committee in Jerusalem

Tel Aviv District Court rejects Netanyahu's request to shorten testimony in corruption trial

According to Israeli state broadcaster KAN, he requested to testify on only two non-consecutive days a week and for fewer hours.

A-G: No reason to declare Netanyahu unable to serve, his testimony starts next week

At this point, Netanyahu has not sought private legal representation.


Menendez brothers seeking new trial over additional evidence found

The brothers filed a habeas corpus petition last year to review two pieces of evidence that were previously unavailable, ABC reported

The law courts in Tel Aviv

TLV District Attorney’s Office indicts lawyer for stealing over 2.1 million shekels

Attorney Kinneret Zelda Shamir Mesika allegedly received funds from buyers during a property transaction but kept the money for herself instead of transferring it to the seller. 

Israeli police flank Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS colonel who headed the Gestapo's Jewish Section

Shalom Nagar, executioner of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, passes away at 86

Eichmann was a key figure in managing and enabling the logistics and transportation of deporting Jews to the extermination camps.

Actor Jussie Smollett makes a court appearance

Illinois top court reverses actor Smollett's false hate crime report conviction

The court agreed that Smollett should not have been charged a second time for filing a false hate crime report because prosecutors had already agreed to drop such charges.

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