The house, unoccupied amid the ongoing war, aims to provide lodging to those with complex disabilities
In a recent project, a group of disabled youngsters at House of Wheels created a promising design meant to enable wheelchair users to move mugs around independently.
Finding a means of self-expression amid the tumult of war is a formidable challenge, as words often fall short of encapsulating the profound emotions that accompany these traumatic times.
New research published in the European Journal of Psychotramatology indicates that exposure to childhood trauma can lead to chronic pain and disability in the long term.
Like a double dose of punishment: The experiences of families with special-needs children enduring the war.
Members of the police community outreach department had come to spend the morning with the Oz Field School for children with special needs from evacuated communities in Jerusalem.
While walking is often a subconscious activity, the researchers noted that the activation of locomotive neural pathways through the process of walking drives cognitive development.