germany and israel

Germany's democracy is in crisis - opinion

According to official data, nearly 5,400 attacks against public and elected officials were carried out in Germany in 2023.


Israel’s dilemma: Navigating relations with Germany’s rising political extremes

As Germany's AfD and BSW gain traction in regional elections, Israel faces a tough choice: engage with these political extremes or maintain its stance of boycotting them altogether.


Is German history repeating itself? Jewish leader shares fears of AfD's rise in Thuringia

Germany will hold local elections on September 1 and could see the rise of the far-right AfD party in Thuringia.


German Jews and politician urge Berlin join Israel in military action against Iran

The current left-center coalition government—Social Democrats, Free Democratic Party, and Green Party—have shown no appetite to furnish Israel with military troops.

German foreign policy expert call on Berlin to join coalition to protect Israel against Iran

CDU foreign policy expert Roderich Kiesewetter told Spiegel that Germany should offer Israel military support to defend against Iran's attacks.

Antisemitism in Europe is on the rise, yet residents are divided on its source

Research shows that respondents understand that antisemitism is prolific in Europe, owever, many of them have never met a Jew or Israeli.

New TV series ‘Berlin Blues’ brings Berlin to life

The series examines the drama caused by their being foreigners in a place that offers a stimulating artistic environment but is shadowed by the tragic history of the Holocaust.

German officials calling on Berlin to change pro-Israel stance as Rafah op. looms

Multiple German officials express concern on Berlin’s relationship with Israel as conflict with Hamas continues.

German foreign minister travels to Middle East, calls for more humanitarian aid for Gaza

Baerbock said only an immediate humanitarian ceasefire leading to a permanent cessation would keep hopes for peace alive and end suffering on all sides.


Best female chess player in history plays simultaneous exhibition to honor Israeli hostages

The event saw friendly competition and sportsmanship between Israelis and Germans, and a moving tribute to the Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

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