Those fighting for Israel’s international image cannot quit this uphill battle because they know that winning on the media battlefield is the key to winning on the military battlefield.
Effective public diplomacy is not merely a tactical necessity but a strategic enabler essential for Israel’s long-term security and international relations.
Israel, a thriving democracy, bases its public diplomacy (or hasbara) on telling the truth, not lies, which evidently does not hold water in this war of words.
Our hasbara efforts should be systematic, targeted, and well thought out. As long as Israel still remains a liberal democracy, albeit a faulty one, fake sources, and dodgy means should be avoided.
Speaking to Shmuley Boteach regarding the state of the world today and what must be done for the nation of Israel to win the battle against bigotry and antisemitism.
People are needed to fact-check negative comments about Israel and the Jewish People and to respond with logic and accuracy, Levy said.
"I hope that this visit to Israel gives me the tools to share the truth with those on campus who defend mass rape and murder,” Josh Shain, Columbia University student and delegation member, remarked.
Turning tragedy into teachable moments through virtual reality: This project aims to spark a global dialogue rooted in empathy and recognizing our shared humanity.
Post-October 7, Israel must realize that its reputation is an integral part of its national security. Continuing to ignore its reputational crisis can be costly.
Instead of hasbara, Israel would do well to embrace a new approach to strategic communications built around speed, engagement, and influence.