healthy living

Do ice baths really improve health? New medical review reveals surprising findings

The experts conclude that ice bath immersion induces a stress response in the body that may yield benefits but also poses significant risks.

Do ice baths improve health? New medical review reveals surprising findings

The experts conclude that ice bath immersion induces a stress response in the body that may yield benefits but also poses significant risks.

lifting weights at the gym

The truth about exercise: Finding the right balance for optimal health

Exercise and activity are essential components toward achieving good health. It is one of the six aspects of lifestyle medicine and can extend your life and help prevent disease.

Understanding cataracts: Causes, symptoms, and modern treatment options

Cataracts, mainly caused by aging, normally include the symptoms of blurred vision and glare. Surgery is the only effective treatment, replacing the cloudy lens with an artificial one.


Quit smoking and change to a plant-based, whole foods diet

We continually put the wrong fuels and even poisons in our bodies.

Residing in a ‘greener’ environment helps heart-bypass surgery patients live longer

Researchers say that better surroundings can be a beneficial factor in recovering from trauma.

Plant-based diets act as a natural barrier to dangerous snoring linked to health problems

Snoring and associated health risks can be minimized by adopting a healthier diet.

High step counts can help women avoid complications in childbirth, Israeli study reveals

The study showed that women who walked more than 3,000 steps a day needed an epidural less than women who walked less during their pregnancies.

Liquid laundry packets are poisoning children, teens and adults

US study: Due to poisoning, liquid laundry detergent pods should not be used by families with preschool kids, those with developmental disabilities or dementia.

This is the reason why men sit on the toilet longer than women

Men are much more likely than women to sit on the toilet for a long time - and this is also why their intestines work better

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