Coffee, sandwiches, or pastries sold in hospital cafeterias are significantly more expensive than in other locations. The Knesset Health Committee will begin monitoring these prices.
The intern claimed that the Palestinian resident stroked her hair and face while she tried to treat him.
As of today, Soroka has treated over 3,000 casualties arising from Oct. 7,. 2,100 of whom are wounded soldiers.
About 150 members of Sheba Medical Center toured the site for the new Be'er Sheva and Negev hospital, which, according to Prof. Yitshak Kreiss, "is unlike any medical center in Israel or the world."
The integrative hospital launches a new rehabilitation system that will function as a rehabilitation circle, including an integrative treatment center for emotional rehabilitation.
Toby is not a nurse, or even human - he is a Pomeranian-Husky therapy dog with a sweet disposition who works with physicians and patients.
They found that care in hospitals with higher surgery team sex diversity was linked with better post-operative outcomes for patients.