Despite advances in denture biomaterials, the majority of dentures are fabricated using polymethyl-methacrylate to which pathogens stick easily.
Our feet carry the weight of our bodies while we run around all day, and it's time to take care of them the right way.
Nearly half of electric toothbrush users are brushing their teeth improperly. Experts reveal the secrets to a healthier, brighter smile.
One element of the washing is called “shifshuf yadayim,” which literally means “rubbing the hands,” and is initially described in the Tosefta (Yadaim 1:2), a 2nd-century CE compilation of Torah law.
A lot of people do facial cleansing in the shower – what could go wrong? A lot, if you don't do it right. For the sake of your pores, here's what you need to know.
These are objects that 70 percent of people do not clean enough, which makes them breeding grounds for bacteria.
Dr. Jen Caudle uploaded a video where she revealed which parts many people forget to wash, and we should really start being aware of when and where we wash. "Men, it's getting gross."
This is an embarrassing problem that many people suffer from. Besides brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, can you do anything else to get fresh breath?
Single men smell more intense and look more masculine to single women - but why?