The expected deal would have the US provide sanctions relief in exchange for Iran limiting its nuclear program.
Israeli officials warned that Iran and the US are nearing a “less for less” deal, by which Iran would stop advancing its nuclear program, but not reverse it.
The deal can’t be saved, which is why our European allies should kill it altogether and move on to a policy that restores deterrence and imposes costs on Iran
Such a deal would mean some partial, but not full, nuclear concessions by Iran, in exchange for some partial, but not full, sanctions relief by the West.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: US-Iran deal will not stop Israel from doing what it takes to defend itself
One senior Israeli political official said regarding the situation that "it's impossible to ignore the sensitive timing" of Blinken's cancelation.
Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.
Experts in Washington like Dennis Ross, John Hannah and Richard Goldberg weigh in on a possible new US "freeze-for-freeze" deal with Iran.
The proposed agreement would reportedly see some sanctions being eased in exchange for a partial freezing of the Iranian nuclear program.
Signs are that the drama was once again superficial and that the IAEA and the West may have fallen for yet another deception by Tehran.