"We're witnessing the emergence of a cohort of teachers espousing reactionary, antisemitic, and Islamist ideologies," a lead researcher cautioned.
Each fundamentalist movement presents to its followers a vision of a state of religious law between the river Jordan and the sea - a Halachic State or an Islamic Caliphate.
Chikli argued that the "progressive left" and "radical political Islam" were the chief instigators of antisemitism today, but that their ambitions extended "well beyond to the rejection of Zionism."
Terrorist groups have long used social media platforms, but this trend has significantly increased after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.
Meanwhile, several schools in Paris closed their gates Wednesday after receiving bomb threats allegedly from Islamists.
A mass, Islamist-led street presence seeks to enforce its will on the public space and intimidate its opponents.
The belief systems of cults are robust, even when contradicted by reality.
A determined Israeli takedown of Al Jazeera should also serve as a clarion call to leaders in Washington and elsewhere to finally act decisively in their domiciles against the dangerous network.
Qatar has used its wealth to buy friends on every side of every conflict. This has helped it give money to fund Hamas.
The attack was carried out in a university gymnasium in Marawi, a city in the south of the country besieged by Islamist militants for five months in 2017.