One of the first things anyone who has traveled to an Arab country learns is that one of the worst social faux pas you can make is to offend your host.
The Saudis have said that Israel's continuing the war, and the high death toll of Palestinian civilians, has delayed normalization.
His words were part of a series of statements the Biden administration has made about its intention to pursue a peace process once a ceasefire is in place.
One of them is the plan to derail Israel-Saudi normalization.
Saudi Arabia and Israel have many shared interests, chief among them the struggle against radical Islam propagated by groups such as ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood.
BEHIND THE LINES: The supposed “progressives” in the Biden administration are the ones who are cleaving to older ideas, while the “conservatives” in Riyadh are looking to move beyond them.
For Israel, normalization with Saudi Arabia has enormous implications for normalizing Israel’s relationship with Muslim-majority countries in the region and internationally.
Spokespeople for the White House have denied the possibility of any secret visit to discuss Saudi-Israel normalization.
PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh warned his cabinet that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government was working to "annex" Area C.
Washington could also sweeten any deal by designating Saudi Arabia a Major Non-NATO Ally, a status already given to Israel, the US source said.