Only 38% of employers believe released prisoners can be rehabilitated and only 12.3% said they were willing to employ ex-convicts.
The guards reacted by forcefully entering the prison cells and removing leaders of the riots from there, in order to disperse the riots.
The Gilboa prison break has seen intense public and governmental scrutiny leveled against Israel's prison services.
A number of democratic countries permit force-feeding to rescue the life of a fasting prisoner. Israel could have saved Khader Adnan's life.
Palestinian factions have called Adnan's death an assassination, and warning that they will up the "resistance" against Israel in response.
The Palestinian Prisoners Club warned that Adnan, who was arrested by the Israeli security forces in February, was in critical condition and could die at any moment.
The ceremony was held at Magel-Nitzan Prison, a facility for incarcerated individuals with cognitive disabilities in need of extra support.
Gilboa Prison's former commander and the former intelligence officer had allegedly known that female prison guards had been sexually assaulted.
The High Court rejected the state's notion that the family's right to know of a prisoner's condition should be subject to the nature of the prisoner's crimes.
The Jewish prisoner was attacked after watching the news and expressing joy at seeing National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.