israeli wine

Settler Celler: Wine made in an illegal Israeli settlement outpost

Esh Kodesh, which is today home to 50 families, was established in 2000 after the murder of Esh Kodesh Gilmore, 25, who was killed in a Palestinian terror attack.


You have never had it so good

For wine lovers and connoisseurs, and those who want to become more informed, the Israel wine scene is abundant, blooming, and ripe for the picking. 

Judea: Israel's wine and gourmet paradise

For the wine tourist, Judea is the essence of modern Israel, a reminder of ancient Israel, and the source of some of our finest and most interesting wineries.

Jerusalem Wine Festival: Israel's annual alcohol event turns 21

On its 21st birthday, the Jerusalem Wine Festival might not have had the wildest or grandest celebration, but it seems to be turning its head toward a more refined, mature, and unifying experience.


Wine Talk: Wine as a participation sport

Then there is a growing number who want to witness the creation of a wine, to participate in how it is made. Others are fascinated with the vineyard.

Wine Talk: Good times are here again

The founding of Carmel heralded the revival of a Jewish Israeli wine industry after 2,000 years.

Enjoying Israel's fun Friday wine tasting

In Mateh Yehuda, June is wine month, with dozens of tours and concerts all over the area. You’ve missed it for this year, but mark it down for next year.

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