"[Bushnell] wanted to light a strong spark, to reignite our cause,” Mayor Abdul Karim Sidr told a small crowd gathered at the opening.
The most outrageous part of UNESCO’s designation is its collusion with Palestinian efforts to not only erase the city’s Jewish heritage but claim it as their own.
Numerous Israeli and Zionist organizations criticized the UN organization's decision.
Israel’s presence at the UNESCO event is seen as a sign of warming ties with Saudi Arabia in advance of a normalization deal.
UNESCO is not just overstepping its mandate; it’s taking a blatant side in a geopolitical conflict. This is a direct insult to every Jew and Christian who respects the Bible.
This operation was carried out in conjunction with other Israeli security forces.
The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Avi Mayer and Lahav Harkov.
Jericho prides itself on being the oldest most continuously inhabited city in the world, dating back over 10,000 years and for being at the lowest point below sea level of any municipality.
Aqabat Jaber has been the scene of repeated clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians.
The IDF operated in the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp, adjacent to Jericho, to apprehend Palestinians suspected in involvement in attacks against Israelis.