After being damaged in the flood in the winter of 2020 and having been upgraded and made more accessible, Nahal HaShofet in the Ramot Menashe Park has reopened to hikers.
Join the the LIVE ceremony that will be broadcast throughout the world
Robert Tiviaev, a resident of the southern city of Ofakim and a member of the KKL-JNF Board of Directors, experienced personal moments of terror during the Hamas massacre on October 7.
Heads of local authorities: “KKL- JNF was the first to stand by our side."
KKL-JNF has launched a fundraising campaign in cooperation with KKL-JNF organizations worldwide to raise funds for essential needs to strengthen the periphery in the south
Over the years, KKL-JNF has transformed the dry landscape, ensuring water security for millions of people and making Israel a pilot site for resilience to climate change.
An unprecedented number of Israeli youth will experience Israel's forests this summer.
Israel, a country that is more than half desert, is recognized as a world leader in water management and technology that produces 20% more water than it needs.
The organization’s strategy to counter the environmental threat has been based on three main pillars: mitigation, adaptation and education.
According to Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund co-chairman Yizhak Vaknin, unity among the Jewish people is essential to ensure that Israel continues to thrive.