Sherut Leumi is vital to the function of Israeli hospitals and other institutions. Without the B’not Sherut, systems would become dysfunctional or could even collapse.
A French lone soldier who was killed in battle on October 7 was posthumously awarded Israeli citizenship by Interior Minister Moshe Arbel.
Tragically, unity has been involuntarily thrust upon us. Can we maintain it? Can we discover healthy communication?
South Africa is one of the only countries in the world that recognizes Hamas as a representative of the Palestinian people.
Whether it’s bringing comics and teddy bears to evacuees in Jerusalem or geek culture literature to the Israeli public, Arye Dobuler is using his organizational superpowers for good.
This includes packing supplies, making challot for Shabbat, helping tutor children whose parents are in the IDF reserves, working on a social media campaign to raise awareness, and more.
Lone soldiers are also disproportionately represented in new draft data.
For lone soldiers and lone B’not/B’nei Sherut, Thanksgiving holds special significance. While they may find themselves far from their homes and families, they are not alone.
A mother of a lone soldier describes what it's like having her daughter serving overseas in the IDF during Israel's war against Hamas.
The president was very interested in the soldier’s condition and spent several minutes talking to the father at the end of the meeting with the delegation.