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"This program is a game-changer for the rehabilitation of the area," said Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer. "We're not just improving healthcare; we're rebuilding communities."
The findings are "preliminary evidence of the potential benefit" of GLP-1 drugs for cancer prevention in high-risk population.
Over a third of the Wolf Prize laureates have subsequently received the Nobel Prize in corresponding disciplines.
The Health Ministry reported another exceptional malfunction in the computerized medical record management system in several hospitals, which led to erroneous copying of patients' data.
For the most part, the virus is considered a mild disease, but in some cases, it causes severe morbidity and even death.
The union’s London regional council also reportedly put forward four identical calls to the BMA for boycott of Israeli medical journals, conferences, and academic exchanges.
The Supreme Court has confronted several cases in the past decade implicating LGBT rights.
Operation Israel has also been ensuring that soldiers have the medical supplies they need.
A separate study showed that children who received spinal anesthesia had lower levels of stress hormones than those with general anesthesia.