New initiative will offer free round-trip El Al flights for one parent of each lone soldier on combat duty from anywhere in the world, to minimize the physical distance most are experiencing.
Campaign initiated in response to urgent need for tactical and essential equipment for communities in danger on the front lines
Newcomers from the U.S. touch down in Israel, undeterred by ongoing security situation
“We will never give up on the vision of the return of the nation of Israel to their land,” Ofir Sofer told the olim.
Nefesh B’Nefesh has brought some 75,000 North American immigrants to Israel since its founding in 2002, but the organization’s work doesn’t stop the moment the new immigrants get off that plane.
In these cynical times, Nefesh B’Nefesh’s 64th charter flight brings a fresh burst of idealism and excitement to the Jewish state.
For the first time in the history of Nefesh B’Nefesh’s charter Aliyah flights, Olim were given the opportunity to complete their immigration process on the plane.