Then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin and US president Jimmy Carter deliver a speech at the White House

A look back at Jimmy Carter's complicated relationship with Israel

Carter was a former president with a foreign policy focusing on the Middle East during his tenure and was outspoken about Middle East politics for the remainder of his life.

Mahmoud Abbas reveals his true colors

If Abbas wanted peace, he would have said that Shubaki was wrong to participate in terror attacks, serve as a terrorist leader, or purchase tons of weapons.


PA head Mahmoud Abbas announces Rawhi Fattouh as successor

A close ally of Abbas, Fattouh has been an important member of Fatah, leading the party's parliamentary bloc for decades.

Israel must start saying 'no' to most invidious issues that seek to delegitimize identity

The time has come, I suggest, to declare – in as straightforward a manner as possible – Israel’s fundamental positions that are at the core of the conflict that Arabs have with Zionism.

Biden’s DNC speech: A strategic echo of Reagan's 1988 PLO move?

President Biden’s DNC remarks, reminiscent of Reagan’s 1988 PLO strategy, may signal a shift to ease pressure on Kamala Harris.


Abbas, the PLO and the PA actively promote the destruction of Israel

Abbas's policies fund terrorism, promote radicalization, and breach accords, while Israel continues to financially support the PA, worsening tensions.


China must be careful and understand that the Muslim Brotherhood is no one's friend

What started as China’s appeasement of Muslim organizations has now become a strong alliance with Islamic extremist non-state actors to disrupt democracies and accelerate geopolitical changes.


Global protests misplace blame: Focus should be on Hamas and Hezbollah

Recent protests wrongly focus on Israel, ignoring the real threats: Hamas and Hezbollah. This selective outrage misses the true causes of the conflict.

Ireland & Palestine - A brief history

The Irish nationalist movement has long viewed the Palestinian cause through a similar lens of seeking to overthrow what they see as oppressive colonizers and achieve independent statehood.

Norwegian FM photographed with daughter of Palestinian terrorist

Minister Eide is pictured with woman holding sign saying "F*** Israel.

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