The PA is also said to be in the final stages of talks with the administration about reforming its controversial welfare policy, which includes the infamous "pay for slay" program.
The ministers met with PLO official to discuss Israel-Hamas war ceasefire, and further discussed the establishment of an independent Palestinian state
New Palestinian Media Watch expose quoted PLO Prisoner Affairs Authority chief, who described the Red Cross as “an essential partner in the process that enables payment to imprisoned Palestinians."
Salam Fayyad, former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, said that a two-state solution should be based on a sovereign Palestinian state on the territory occupied in 1967.
"The participation of a Palestinian list in the occupation's municipal elections in Jerusalem is a shameless normalization that serves the plans of the occupation," read the announcement.
“Russia has invited all Palestinian factions who will be meeting on the 26th of this month in Moscow,” Shtayyeh told the Munich Security Conference during a public interview.
Is the PA prepared to reinvent itself as a genuinely peaceful body? The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that it is not.
In contradiction to a slew of previous public comments, Hamas reportedly is receptive to joining the PA on should there be a two-state solution on the political horizon.
Don’t expect the UN to make these organizations work with the institutions of the West. They have always been the heart of the problem in the Middle East – not the solution.
UNRWA workers were recently fired from their positions for participating in the October 7 Massacre, leading to several countries deciding to withdraw funding for UNRWA.