
Israelis split on if ministers should come to Remembrance Day ceremonies - poll

Israelis are generally pessimistic about the future of Israeli democracy and Israel's national security.

New polls show declining confidence in the Likud and sharp drop in Israeli citizens' optimism

A new poll shows Netanyahu's coalition losing four mandates, opposition gaining three. Another poll reveals declining confidence in Israel's future and leadership.


Most Democrats believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza

With the war in Gaza surpassing half a year and a ceasefire deal yet to be achieved, a recent survey shows that Democratic voters strongly believe that Israel is carrying out a genocide in Gaza.

 A woman takes part in a protest demanding a hostage deal, in Tel Aviv, Israel, February 1, 2024

Over half of right-wing voters support hostage deal, even at risk of elections - poll

About 43% of Israelis support the establishment of a moderate Palestinian government to replace Hamas.

Grapevine, May 1, 2024: Negatively predisposed

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

  Israeli forces are seen operating in the Gaza Strip on January 29, 2024

Majority of Americans think Israel should press on with Rafah op., finish war

Willingness to support an Israeli operation in Rafah correlated with age, with older respondents viewing such an operation more favorably than younger respondents.

Majority of Americans lack trust in Netanyahu's ability to lead on world affairs

Among the respondents, 25% expressed no confidence in Netanyahu, marking an 11-percentage point increase since 2023.

Gantz or Bennett might be the next Prime Minister, according to N13 new poll

A News 13 poll indicates National Unity Party led by Benny Gantz wins 30 seats if elections held today. Likud strengthens slightly; Yesh Atid receives 15 seats.

Netanyahu stronger than ever since Oct. 7 according to new polls

The survey also highlights a tightening race for Prime Minister, with Benny Gantz receiving 42% of the support compared to Benjamin Netanyahu's 37%.

Likud regains some ground, Gantz maintains lead in new poll

On opposite sides of the political spectrum, both Religious Zionism and the Labor Party have slipped beneath the minimum threshold to enter the Knesset. 

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