Lobby launches an action plan to break the poverty cycle for Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, as well as a new report showing 42% of families re-enter poverty after being out of poverty for a while.
The outsourcing of social services must include a mandate for measuring social value.
The increase in VAT will overwhelm the many families who are already barely keeping afloat.
Since October 7, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has distributed over 132 million dollars towards enhancing the security of the civilian home front.
The NII also stressed that the cost of living was 4.2% higher in 2023 than in 2022 and that this followed a 4.4% increase in the year before.
The war on poverty is just as existential for hundreds of thousands of families struggling with it. As of now, however, in this area, the outcome appears to be absolute loss.
The emotional state of children of aid recipients was also more significantly impacted by the war.
Security challenges require us to unite as a society, but they must not become an excuse to neglect the state’s basic duty toward its citizens.
At a time of uncertainty about how the Gaza conflict can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion, Liberating Gaza offers a clear path forward. This is indeed a book for the times.
For a little over $3,000, Myanmar's poor are selling their organs.