Red Cross

1,200 lawyers worldwide demand that International Red Cross act to save Israeli hostages in Gaza 

Letter organized by Israeli rights group Shurat HaDin blames International Red Cross for repeating its failures during the Holocaust and abandoning Jewish victims.

Hamas releases two American-Israeli hostages: Judith and Natalie Raanan

The mother and daughter from Evanston, Illinois were transferred to Israeli territory.

Israeli physicians concerned with the health of the hostages in Gaza

The doctors who call themselves the Hostages and Missing Families Forum has sent a list of the illnesses the hostages suffer.

International Committee of the Red Cross

Aid groups 'unable to help' Gazans told to evacuate by Israel - Red Cross

"With a military siege in place, humanitarian organizations including the ICRC will not be able to assist such a massive displacement of people in Gaza," ICRC said in a statement.

International Committee of the Red Cross

50-strong coalition of organization calls on Red Cross to secure Hamas hostages

The ADL, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, NGO Monitor, Middle East Forum, and StandWithUs are among the signatories of the open letter.

Palestinian amputee sparks inspiration for young swimmers in Gaza

Parents bringing their children to swimming classes for the first time are surprised to see Tattar standing on two crutches.


UN agencies 'alarmed' at scale of Jenin raid, concerned about access

"Attacks against healthcare including prevention of access to persons injured are extremely concerning," said WHO spokesperson Christian Lindmeier.

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