
Security forces conduct counterterrorism arrests throughout West Bank

During the arrest of a suspect in Hebron, Israeli forces seized an airsoft rifle and dozens of 5.56 caliber cartridges and shotgun shells, according to photographs published by the military.

WATCH: Gazan fires at Israeli forces during riots

Thousands of Gazans with work permits have been unable to enter Israel.

Why is Hamas escalating tensions with Israel now? - analysis

If Hamas was seemingly scared of escalating before, why are they comfortable escalating now, in the middle of the High Holy Days, one of the most sensitive periods of the year?


Government reveals package to deal with illegal immigrants after riots

A budget of over NIS 30 million will be allocated to deal with "infiltrators" following violent Eritrean riots in south Tel Aviv.

Asylum seekers' riot in Israel was funded by the Mossad, Eritrea claims

African nation's Information Ministry: "The futile acts of subversion in essence sponsored by major intelligence agencies, including the Mossad."

Eritrean rioter with gun arrested, others transferred to administrative detention

The 41-year-old was arrested along with seven others suspected of being involved in the violence between pro- and anti-regime Eritrean activists.

Is the judicial reform the answer to the south Tel Aviv riots? - analysis

The riots are a symptom of a severe problem in south Tel Aviv, and residents are rightfully seeking solutions – the coalition may be able to repackage the judicial reform as the answer.

Smotrich: High Court is 'solely responsible' for Eritrean riot in Tel Aviv

'Israel is not functioning': Lapid lashes out over Eritrean riots • Likud MK vows to 'eliminate illegal migrants'

Israel's Border Police take fire during arrest operation in Aqaba

Israeli forces responded to live fire with fire, managing to hit multiple targets.

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