King Salman inaugurated Riyadh's new metro network, a cornerstone of Saudi Vision 2030 that will begin serving passengers next month.
Adam Neumann's real estate company Flow acquires 30% of Israel’s Canada Global and expands globally with residential projects in Riyadh, aiming for US growth by 2025.
According to the document received by Al-Ahkbar, the plan for the "day after" the war, which is divided into two stages.
Cooper, an Orthodox rabbi and the director of global social action for the Simon Wiesenthal Center advocacy group, “politely” refused the request with the backing of US embassy staff.
The business will open as part of wider plans known as Vision 2030 to build a post-oil economy.
Speaking in English from his seat, Shlomo Karhi wore a blue suit and a crocheted skullcap on his head and spoke into a handheld microphone.
Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi landed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Monday.
Jews made the pilgrimage to the Temple Mount as part of Rosh Hashanah celebrations on Sunday evening accompanied by heavy security detail.
The Saudi government wrote a letter saying all participants would be allowed in, without mentioning Israelis.
Focusing on the daily steps towards or away from the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia may be doing more harm than good. A longer-term perspective is needed.