In 2026, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency plans to launch the Mars Moons eXploration (MMX) mission.
The discovery occurred while the NASA team was testing the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) system aboard a Gulfstream III aircraft.
Water extraction caused an average annual drift of Earth's rotational pole by 4.63 cm, totaling 80 cm in less than two decades.
Findings resolve years of debate and offer new insights into the Moon's evolution and the Solar System's history.
Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens had different burial practices, the research shows.
"If we hadn't known that Delle was alone, we might have concluded that a group of at least three dolphins was engaged in various social interactions”.
“We also needed to test that our assumption works on much larger scales," said cosmologist Pauline Zarrouk.
Analysis reveals psychotropic substances and human bodily fluids used in ancient rituals.
Processing speed, working memory, and attention, slowed down during the astronauts’ time in orbit.
"When things go wrong, they go wrong with our cells first and foremost," said biologist Aviv Regev.