Shlomo Karhi

Dr. Shlomo Karhi is an Israeli lawmaker and academic who is part of the Likud Party and who currently serves as the country's communications minister.

A former member of the Bar-Ilan University faculty, Karhi has sparked controversy on numerous occasions, such as making statements against the LGBTQ+ community, and has also been spearheading a divisive communications reform.

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Al Jazeera Nazareth branch continues broadcasts after national ban, gets shut down

The seizure was part of a raid by the inspectors from the Communications Ministry, responsible for enforcing PM ban.

Cabinet set to approve Netanyahu, Karhi's decision to close Al Jazeera in Israel

Report: Attorney General gave the government a 'green light' to close the news network in Israel

Israel's Channel 14 has a lot of problematic content

Channel 14 has the right to exist as a right-wing network, but with constraints on its disturbing content, says writer.

This is how Israel plans to combat telephone fraud targeting the elderly

Dr. Shlomo Karhi, Communications Minister, spearheads a crucial initiative to shield the elderly and new immigrants from the scourge of telephone fraud.

New law will sanction cell phone companies that don't provide coverage in the West Bank

The Communications Ministry has defined 2024 as the "year of the cell phone" because of its increased importance during times of emergency, especially during the ongoing war.

High Court ruling keeps Postal Company chairman in office

The government said that Vaknin “was not fulfilling his role appropriately,” but the move was suspected to be politically motivated at the time


Otzma Yehudit MK Almog Cohen interrogated by Lahav 433

The interrogation against Cohen was under suspicion of assault, injuring another person in 2013 while he was serving as a police officer.

Israel's trains to receive improved cellular reception, WiFi access

The Communication and Transportation Ministries are working together on a joint experiment in order to improve cellular reception onboard trains.

Israeli minister targets Haaretz newspaper for 'anti-Israel incitement'

Karhi explained that much of the paper’s funding comes from ads and subscriptions purchased by the government.

Israel moves to block Lebanese, Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen

Karhi moved swiftly to sign an emergency order against al-Mayadeen after receiving the green light from Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and defense establishment officials.

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