The anticipation of a social encounter encourages us to attribute more positive physical features to strangers.
People tend to like people that they perceive as similar to themselves.
"People are eager to just chop their heads off," Hayes said, adding that "the animals are sentient, capable of emotions."
Thanks to Viva Sarah Press, we now know that robotic humor can build bridges between people, allowing for the free flow of knowledge and connection.
The two-year program will enable students to earn two Masters of Arts degrees, both from Sciences Po Lille and Tel Aviv University.
Despite recent waves of firings within the global company, Intel’s Israeli branch is performing well in exports and diversity.
Social media culture encourages us to take life by storm, but the reality is that we are now lonelier than ever. Is self-love sabotaging our happiness?
Israel's Star Wars fans and ostracized children flocked to Jerusalem's Tower of David Museum for a special event with the 501st Legion.
Against backdrop of Israel’s political and social polarization, Institute for Israeli Thought presents charter to form basis for Israeli constitution.
"Shalva’s services benefit all sectors of Israel’s population through the entire life cycle," says Shalva's founder Kalman Samuels.