JEWISH LAW LIVE: Authorizing a rabbinic court to protect the welfare of the spouses of IDF soldiers and reservists is very much needed.
Can we say that modern Egypt continues the ancient Egyptian empire described in the Bible? Clearly not.
The People’s Talmud entries are not cumbersome translations of the Talmud but narratives that express the Talmud’s point in the language of today.
Zvika Mor made his remarks at an event hosted by The Jerusalem College of Technology • "Now is the time for our enemy to die for our country."
Grief on the scale of the fall of Jerusalem ultimately requires a vessel that both honors and contains it.
It is rage-inducing to know that my money gets spent on stipends for boys in black hats to study for lifetimes issues like how certain physical attributes can be used as grounds for divorce.
The Steinsaltz Portal is a comprehensive treasure trove of the rabbi’s books, classes, and articles, all fully digitized and preserved for future generations.
This isn't the first time in recent years that foxes have been spotted near the walls of the Temple Mount.
These nine days allow us to mindfully remember the forces that led to destruction from within our own nation, the thousands of years yearning to return, and finally, the power of rebuilding.
Both sides need to open up Tuesday’s Daf - Gittin 56 – and learn the lessons, and both sides need to do so immediately.