Israeli society must also take collective responsibility. Violence in Arab communities is not just “their problem” – it is a problem for all of us.
"Instead of freeing murderers, we must send a different message: Israeli blood is not expendable."
An investigation reveals abuse spanning from the 1960s to the 2000s, with cases in France and abroad.
The officers were also accused of attempting to destroy evidence of the incident from their GoPro cameras and cell phones.
If social justice warriors truly care about justice, they must broaden their focus beyond selective targets and confront the realities of regimes like Assad’s. Anything less is moral bankruptcy.
Women made up 46% of victims of physical violence and threats but 80% of the victims of sexual violence, according to the report.
The Associated Press writes that the increase in child members is related to the worsening of poverty in the country, increasing violence, and political instability.
'Turning harm done to the victims into harm done to the nation takes the victim out of the equation, erases her, and turns her into a public object.'
The first attack occurred around 8:20 a.m. in Chelsea when the attacker approached a 36-year-old construction worker outside 444 West 19th Street and stabbed him in the stomach.
Dozens of demonstrators, some with Palestinian flags, chanted, "Amsterdam is saying no to genocide" and "Free Palestine."