
Food security in Israel: A critical concern

"This is the time to turn Israel into a food superpower that ensures maximum food independence," declares Yoel Zilberman, CEO and founder of HaShomer HaChadash.

Fallen soldier Dolev Haim Malka: ‘Someone who only wanted to do good'

Sergeant Dolev Haim Malka, who fell in battle last Friday, is remembered for his volunteer efforts with Magen David Adom and countless other causes in Israel's north.

The Nechama and Hatzalah humanitarian legacy for the IDF, Gazan civilians

Founded in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, Nechama and Hatzalah for Israel has expanded its services.


Supporting Israeli farmers is essential

Since October 7, farmers have been grappling with severe shortage of workers, exacerbating other challenges and threatening the livelihoods of farmers and the agricultural sector as a whole.


Doctors from abroad join Magen David Adom in its hour of need

DIASPORA AFFAIRS: One group, whose help has been invaluable since Oct. 7, is the team of medical professionals who flew over to shore up the Israeli healthcare system, in its hour of need.

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