book review

'Cooking Together': Recipes from the Gaza border, including Rachel's cookies

Commemorating the 76 years of the State of Israel, the book is a collection of 76 kosher recipes divided into 10 sections.

 A view of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

'Jerusalem Through the Ages': What archaeology reveals about the history of Jerusalem

This is both positive and a challenge for readers; it’s dense, meticulous, and sometimes overwhelming.

  Our Little Histories

'Our Little Histories': A Jewish family saga

Janice Weizman’s "Our Little Histories" is an ambitiously crafted novel which acts on one level as a blending of world events with the experiences of a typical Eastern European Jewish family saga.

  'Auto de fe en la plaza Mayor de Madrid,' painted by Francisco Rizzi, 1680.

'Across So Many Seas': Sephardi history from young adults

Ruth Behar tells the stories of four generations of 12-year-old Sephardi girls in a single family over a 500-year period. Music, poetry, and food all play significant roles in the interwoven stories.

  Conductor Daniel Barenboim

'Jerusalem on Earth': A veteran journalist captures Jerusalem's Golden Age

Now, 36 years later, Rabinovich republishes Jerusalem on Earth in a revised edition lavishly illustrated with photographs.

Holocaust literature: Reviewing four recent books

Reviewing: On Duty: The Polish Blue and Criminal Police in the Holocaust; Living among the Dead; Irena’s Gift; and Holocaust Heroines.

 Palestinians receive food packages from the World Food Program (WFP) of the United Nations

'Liberating Gaza': A path forward to save Gazan Palestinians from poverty

At a time of uncertainty about how the Gaza conflict can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion, Liberating Gaza offers a clear path forward. This is indeed a book for the times.

'Hezbollah': The origins of the Iran-backed terror group and its involvement in Oct. 7

Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon’s Party of God is a definitive, evidence-based examination of one of the world’s worst, most active, and most widespread criminal and terrorist groups.

'Marry a Mensch': A guide for Jewish women looking for a perfect man

Marry a Mensch is a folksy practical guide based on Devorah Kigel's experience, both personal and professional. 

'Paris 1944': How France embraced the Nazis, resistance, then themselves

Paris 1944 is at its best when Patrick Bishop addresses how – and by whom – the city was liberated.

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